Prioritize Your Investments


Sunday School at 9:30 am and Worship at 10:30 am

by: Chuck Jonas



Prioritize Your Investments

James 4:13-17

 The problem that James highlights is people who make plans without understanding life’s brevity and without submitting the God’s sovereignty.

 Track your Spending (v 13)

 Unearth Those Idols

 Whatever we prioritize is what we idolize.

 Anything that takes precedence over God becomes an idol.

 Remember the Epitaph (v. 14)

 When we live with an eye on our epitaph, we will begin to live as if every day was our last on this earth.

 Set the Camera to Panorama (v 15)

 When we live by “if it is the Lord’s will,” the way that we see the world completely changes.

 We must place our trust in the God who sees the entire picture.

 Envision the Invisible 

 God is calling us to see the world with new eyes, and He is asking us to see the eternal potential all that we do and accomplish here on earth.

 Invest in a Better Retirement Community

 Every time we choose to do the Father’s will, we are, bringing heaven to earth.

Your investments on earth are temporary, but your investment in heaven are forever


For in the blink of an eye, we will never again see this decaying world and its crumbling attractions, but only see the Father’s purpose for this world, His mission to save it, and eternity bursting over the horizon.

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Prioritize Your Investments

James 4:13-17

 The problem that James highlights is people who make plans without understanding life’s brevity and without submitting the God’s sovereignty.

 Track your Spending (v 13)

 Unearth Those Idols

 Whatever we prioritize is what we idolize.

 Anything that takes precedence over God becomes an idol.

 Remember the Epitaph (v. 14)

 When we live with an eye on our epitaph, we will begin to live as if every day was our last on this earth.

 Set the Camera to Panorama (v 15)

 When we live by “if it is the Lord’s will,” the way that we see the world completely changes.

 We must place our trust in the God who sees the entire picture.

 Envision the Invisible 

 God is calling us to see the world with new eyes, and He is asking us to see the eternal potential all that we do and accomplish here on earth.

 Invest in a Better Retirement Community

 Every time we choose to do the Father’s will, we are, bringing heaven to earth.

Your investments on earth are temporary, but your investment in heaven are forever


For in the blink of an eye, we will never again see this decaying world and its crumbling attractions, but only see the Father’s purpose for this world, His mission to save it, and eternity bursting over the horizon.

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